Kolonitzgasse 6/5 1030 Wien

Sanfte-Zahnmedizin Dr. Piotrowski

Welcome to gentle dentistry…

It is our leading focus to prevent dental and surrounding tissue diseases. If diagnosed in early stages these can be treated, gums maintained healthy through professional dental hygiene on a regular basis so that treatment itself can be minimised to only what is necessary.

At optimum health of teeth and gums you will be able to minimise your treatment to half yearly visits for a check up and a scale and clean. We strive to embrace you with our kind, calm, relaxed atmpshere and gentle hands.

Fear of the dentist?

This issue can cause a big problem for people that would like to seek help in the dental department, but simply can’t because they experience this paralysing fear. This is a huge obstacle when decisions need to be made.

Where does this condition come from?
Why do I of all people have to be afraid?

Well…from the evolutionary point of view anxiety plays a very important  funcion in our lives. It is our protective mechanism. If we feel threatened in any way or other or we are in danger, we automatically would want to run away according to our protective mechanism.

This theory hasn’t changed til this very day, we still behave and react the same way.

It is our natural response to feel insecure in a lowered position in which we very often find ourselves in the dental chair. It is important to remember that although it might seem that we lose the power in that position, we actually don’t. We are still in charge of what is happening and can always give a sign that we need a break.

Perhaps we remember an unpleasant experience from the past that keeps us awake every time we schedule an appointment. Fear is a condition which we do not have as an infant. It’s something that we learn later on. In this case, if we have learned to be afraid of the dentist, can we unlearn it again?

Yes we can, it is possible. Step by step we learn to trust the new dentist, with a little help and cooperation from both parties this can infact be achieved. Thanks to our advanced technology, most importantly the know-how, soft hands and especially the time we take for you, we can bring that confidence back and help you to healthier teeth. It is our priority to welcome you with gentle treatment.

This issue can cause a big problem for people that would like to seek help in the dental department, but simply can’t because they experience this paralysing fear. This is a huge obstacle when decisions need to be made.

Where does this condition come from?
Why do I of all people have to be afraid?

Well…from the evolutionary point of view anxiety plays a very important  funcion in our lives. It is our protective mechanism. If we feel threatened in any way or other or we are in danger, we automatically would want to run away according to our protective mechanism.

This theory hasn’t changed til this very day, we still behave and react the same way.

It is our natural response to feel insecure in a lowered position in which we very often find ourselves in the dental chair. It is important to remember that although it might seem that we lose the power in that position, we actually don’t. We are still in charge of what is happening and can always give a sign that we need a break.

Perhaps we remember an unpleasant experience from the past that keeps us awake every time we schedule an appointment. Fear is a condition which we do not have as an infant. It’s something that we learn later on. In this case, if we have learned to be afraid of the dentist, can we unlearn it again?

Yes we can, it is possible. Step by step we learn to trust the new dentist, with a little help and cooperation from both parties this can infact be achieved. Thanks to our advanced technology, most importantly the know-how, soft hands and especially the time we take for you, we can bring that confidence back and help you to healthier teeth. It is our priority to welcome you with gentle treatment.




About Us

DDr. Anna Piotrowski

Head of Ordination

Dr. Sanja Milosavljević


"Jasmin" Büsra Ergün

Prophylaxis Assistant

DDr. Anna Piotrowski

Doctor Nr. 23494

1981 – 1983
Studies of medical analysis at the University of Lublin (Poland)

1984 – 1989
Dental degree in Lublin

1990 – 1992
Training in orthodontics at the Univ. Dental Clinic in Lublin

1994 – 1998
Medical studies of human medicine in Vienna with doctorate (Dr. med. univ.)

2001 – 2002
Nostrification of the dentist training at the Univ. Dental clinic in Vienna with doctorate (Dr. med. dent.)

Branch in own private ordination

seit 2007
Additional training for orthodontics with diploma of the Austrian Medical Association, numerous advanced and further education courses, numerous seminars and courses in Austria and abroad.


DDr. Anna Piotrowski

Dr. med. dent. et Dr. med. univ. for Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery in Vienna

Mon 09:00-20:00
Tue Geschlossen
Wed 09:00-20:00
Thu 14:00-19:00
Fri 09:00-14:00

Kolonitzgasse 6/5 – 1030 Wien

T: +43 1 713 33 66
M: +43 699 111 699 20
F: +43 1 713 36 23

SVA, KFA, Doctor of local health insurance and private

Foreign languages
English, Polish, Turkish, Serbo-Croatian and Russian

Make an Appointment